Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Deeper in

I'm reading Karl Llewellyn's lectures collected in The Bramble Bush, the 2008 Oxford University Press edition, and thought I'd share another quote: this one is about assuming institutions are just so because that's the only way they could be arranged. This quote is preceded by a description of what courts and judges do, which I omit.

... I take time to say this because I deem it important that early, very early in this game you meet some counterweight against what I may call the unconscious snobbery of social institutions: against the touching faith that the current rationalizations of an institution, first, fit the facts, second, exhaust the subject, third, negate other, negate better possibilities. Nowhere more than in law do you need armor against that type of ethnocentric and chronocentric snobbery -- the smugness of your won tribe and your own time: We are the Greeks; all others are barbarians. ...

I offer the above quote to those who argue that a market based or private insurance solution to our health care crisis is important because the United States has a "tradition" of such things (a very recent one, to be sure). If that were not enough, Paul Krugman shares this report by Kenneth J. Arrow, excerpts of which are available from the World Health Organization web site; it's an economist's analysis of the factors which contribute to the observation that a market based approach does not provide optimal solutions to the pricing and provision of health care.

Question everything!


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